Volunteer Details

If you have questions email Philip Kaufman (VP) or Annie Burton (VP)
If names are not listed, no one has signed up.

Freshmen Assurance Day Training with Mr. Siel
Wednesday August 24th 9:00 AM - Noon (in the Horseshoe)

Jared Rodriguez
Ryan Bergio
Maddy Duretete
Kayla Ferguson
Cody Fischer
Josh Kennedy
Autumn Krumm
Eric Luis
Cole Morgan
Lyubov Patsula
David Santillian
Willy Schlichter
Jake Schnur
Shannon Susbauer
Taylor Spencer
Philip Kaufman
Nathaly Munoz-Licea
Tanner Novak

Freshmen Assurance Day (All Day support of students)
Tuesday September 6, 2011

Annie Burton (Filming for Pulse Media)
Jared Rodriguez
Ryan Bergio
Maddy Duretete
Kayla Ferguson
Cody Fischer
Josh Kennedy
Autumn Krumm
Eric Luis
Cole Morgan
Lyubov Patsula
Caitlyn Quist
David Santillian
Willy Schlichter
Jake Schnur
Shannon Susbauer
Taylor Spencer
Philip Kaufman
Nathaly Munoz-Licea
Tanner Novak
Autumn Whitehurst

Friday September 30, 2011 : Homecoming Dance

We need at least 5 Parent Chaperones and everyone should plan on being at the dance to help clean up after. With an army, it will not take long.